Terms & Conditions

Code of Conduct

Back Alley Pool Hall (BAPH) places great importance on the safety of all its visitors and endeavours to ensure that the high standards set by BAPH are complied with by all those on the premises. We are only allow entry to BAPH to those visitors who are willing to comply with the Regulations set out below.

All persons attending the pool hall are admitted subject to the following Regulations. Any person (or entire group) who does not comply with these Regulations may be removed from the premises by either BAPH Personnel or Police Officers. This is without prejudice to any claim that BAPH may have against such a person or persons arising out of their actions. Whilst on our premises, all visitors must comply with any instructions given to them by BAPH Personnel.

BAPH reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse admission, ban from entry, or remove from the premises, without right to refund, any person or entire group who:

Behaved in or in the vicinity of BAPH in a manner which, in the opinion of BAPH, has, or is likely to affect the safety and enjoyment of other visitors or staff;

Threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner which may provoke a breach of the peace.

Whose presence may affect the enjoyment and/or safety of other visitors

All persons entering the BAPH must either hold a membership or have a pass for admission that is required to be submitted for inspection if required by Security or BAPH personnel. Any person attempting to gain admission or being found inside the building without a valid pass may be ejected. All memberships and passes are non-transferable and cannot be re-sold without prior permission. All admission prices are subject to change.

No child or children under the age of 12 will be admitted to BAPH unless they are accompanied by an adult, who shall be 18 years or over and such child or children whilst on site must remain under the control or supervision of that adult at all times.

BAPH have absolute discretion, meaning we may raise the age on an individual basis for the requirement of accompaniment by an adult should it be deemed necessary in the interests of safety and security.

Pets or animals of any nature are expressly prohibited on the premises (except for guide dogs, hearing dogs and registered assistance dogs) without the express permission of BAPH.

It is prohibited to bring into BAPH any weapons, fireworks, smoke bombs, glass bottles or other articles, which may cause injury. The throwing of any article which could cause injury or annoyance is strictly prohibited.

Any person found to be in possession of an article deemed to be offensive or dangerous will be immediately escorted from the premises without the right to refund and be open to prosecution.

The entire group with whom the individual is a member may also, at the Manager´s discretion, be denied entry or escorted from the premises without the right to refund.

Intoxicating liquor may not be taken into the building except with the express permission of BAPH and any persons found possessing alcohol, or who appears to be under the influence of alcohol may be refused admission or escorted from the premises. The use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited and any persons found possessing, using or who appear to be under the influence of illegal substances will be refused admission or escorted from the premises.

Unnecessary noise, such as that from the use of whistles, radio sets, mobile phones, video cameras and other electrical equipment or any behaviour likely to cause annoyance to other visitors or confusion of any kind is not permitted in any part of the building.

The climbing of or standing upon barriers, walls, tables, chairs is strictly prohibited. BAPH reserves the right to prosecute any person found damaging or defacing any part of the building.

BAPH accepts no responsibility for any loss and/or damage however arising whilst on our premises (including that which might arise as result of any breach of contract) including any distress, inconvenience or anxiety caused during evacuation in the event of fire or security precaution.

From time to time BAPH, or other authorised parties, may carry out photography and/or video recording in the building which may feature visitors. BAPH will endeavour to obtain photographic consent for this filming/photography and copyright in these materials rests with BAPH or such authorised party (as the case may be).

In accordance with the Smoking (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, Smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the entire building with no exceptions. Use of E-cigarettes is not permitted.

To assist in ensuring your safety, CCTV is in operation in most areas of the building.

These Regulations are for the benefit of all our visitors and will be strictly enforced.

Pass / Booking

The purchase of a pass entitles the bearer access to the hall with a plus one. 

Your plus one is your responsibility so anything they do both parties will be held accountable.

Passes are under no obligation to rectify mistakes after purchase.  We are not obliged to issues a new pass.

Day passes entitle you and plus one entry to the hall until parties leave. You can’t change your plus one or leave and come back as this will require a new pass.

How do I book a table or pass online?

You can book tables thru our app on the booking section after you have an active membership or pass until then the booking section will only show tournaments which require a pass which can be purchased then and there unless you have an active membership then its free.

If you are not registered then you can do so here https://backalleypoolhall.clubright.co.uk/register

Can I book or buy passes via other means than online.

You can do so either by telephone on 07895640645 or you can book in person during normal opening hours. 


Bookings may be cancelled by contacting us in person or by telephone.  Please note that 2 hours notice is required for cancellations.

Private Events & Tournaments

We can arrange private Events and Tournaments to your needs with tailored packages so get in contact with us on info@backalleypoolhall.com or by calling 07895640645.

Donations, Memberships, Passes, Gift Cards & Charity Events

BAPH is proud to reach out and help in the community we serve.  Contact us on info@backalleypoolhall.com or by calling 07895640645.